

Skills Development Scotland | Co-designing the future of My World of Work

SDS engaged Humanly to lead the co-design of exciting new features of My World of Work. Humanly involved over 100 children, young people, and educators in the generation of hundreds of ideas, development of detailed concepts and testing of clickable prototypes.

Scottish Government | Researching provision for pupils with complex additional support needs

Humanly was commissioned by the Scottish Government to conduct research into provision for pupils with complex additional support needs in Scotland. In this complex research project Humanly involved over 200 participants and 11 schools in 7 local authority areas across Scotland.

Centre for Ageing Better | Developing new approaches to supporting people over 50 into work

Humanly led a participatory, iterative design process over 18 months to develop and prototype new approaches to supporting people aged over 50 into work in Greater Manchester.

Changing Faces | Designing new ways to reach and meet the needs of everyone with a visible difference in the UK

Humanly was commissioned by the charity Changing Faces to carry out research and co-creation to develop new or adapted forms of support for people living with a visible difference.


Tribe | Embedding human-centred design into the development of a social care tech innovation

Humanly worked with Bronze Labs and partners over 2 years to embed human-centred design into the development of Tribe, a UKRI-funded social tech innovation.

Social Finance | Participatory research exploring Jewish children and young people’s mental health

As part of a project aiming to promote wellbeing, Humanly was commissioned to conduct a rapid 6-week participatory research project exploring mental health with Jewish children and young people and parents.


WFP | Designing complaints and feedback mechanisms for internally displaced people in South Sudan

Humanly led an international human-centred design process conducted over 13 months to design new forms of dialogue between the World Food Programme (WFP) and internally displaced people in South Sudan.  

Macmillan | Designing the future of cancer support

Humanly worked with Macmillan Cancer Support for 14 months to envision and prototype future services for people living with cancer, involving over 300 stakeholders in a highly collaborative process.


VoiceAbility | Development of Daybook, a digital diary for people with learning disabilities

Humanly worked with the national charity VoiceAbility and three local authorities (Gloucestershire, Liverpool and South Tyneside) to co-produce and pilot a new process and digital tool for engaging people with learning disabilities. Daybook aims to improve the dialogue between decision makers, service providers and people with learning disabilities, improving health and social care services and quality of life as a result.

BBC Media Action | Communicating Climate Change in Asia

Humanly worked with the BBC's international development charity on Climate Asia, which aimed to create unprecedented national and regional data around the impacts of climate change on people’s lives in 7 countries in Asia. The ultimate goal of the project was to enable any organisation in the region to develop better communication initiatives around climate change.